2024 Schedule
General Information:
- Session 1: September 12 - November 14
- Session 2: January 16 - March 20
- Session 3: April 10 - June 12
- Thursdays, 6:00-7:30pm
- Midtown Center, Room 106, 96 W. 15th Street, Holland.
- Parking lot is on the 16th Street side of the building.
- Tuition: $50 per session, $150 for the year
Have questions?
- Ruth Crouch, group manager (ruth.c@charter.net)
- John Reikow, director (jreikow@gmail.com)
Ready to sign up? Click here.
On the dropdown menu, choose “Community Strings 2024-25.” You can sign up for any or all sessions.
Playing for Fun
Holland Community Strings is a place for adult amateur string players to play and learn in a pressure-free setting.
Did you play an instrument in school, but haven’t picked it up in a while? Have you learned an additional instrument and want an opportunity to play it? Are you wishing you could play for fun, for a social activity, with no pressure to compete or perform? Holland Community Strings is for you!
Holland Community Strings meets once a week for 90 minutes in three 10 week terms, Fall, Winter, and Spring. We play a variety of orchestral and chamber music literature. Everyone is welcome! The goal is learning and having fun. If you are brand new to your instrument, we can refer you to a private teacher (just call our office) and we’ll be waiting for you when you are ready.
Try a session free!
Holland Symphony Orchestra,
PO Box 2685, Holland MI