The HSO appreciates your support!
Holland Symphony Orchestra is a 501(c) 3 organization in the State of Michigan. (38-2953082)
Holland Symphony is accredited by Better Business Bureau and has a platinum rating at Guidestar.
Information about Holland Symphony and access to the IRS form 990/financial review can be seen at as well as under the “About Us > Financials/Strategic Plan” page on the home page.
Holland Symphony will not share addresses (physical or email) or donor information.
Ticket sales abount to about 35% of the annual budget of most orchestras. Donations makae up the remaining 65%. Supporters make all the difference.
Sponsorships are available at all levels to underwrite artists, concerts, musicians, receptions, print materials, the conductor, cost of music purchases, and venues. The Symphony will work with your interests and fashion a package with benefits to you and your employees.
Matching Gifts
If your employer offers a Matching Gift Program, please send us a Matching Gift Form provided by your Human Resources office. If this match moves you to a higher level, you will receive the benefit of that new Matching Gift level.
Wills and Trusts
Please remember us in your wills and trusts. Ask about the Holland Symphony Encore Society.
Gift Certificates
Gift certificates are available by calling the HSO office at 616-796-6780.